Believe it or not, it is snowing in Thailand! “Black Snow” or literally ashes from the burning of sugarcane fields has been silently falling for the past couple of days now. Most sugarcane farmers employ the tactic to speed the harvest of their crop. The ashes are not hot, usually drifting miles before falling, and do not really accumulate. Initially we thought it would help remind us of home, but nothing beats a good solid Chicago snowstorm in December. There is no catching ash on your tongue, making ashmen or having an ashball fight, but alas...
We have to work both the 24th and the 25th, but will head to Suphanburi and celebrate with some fellow teachers on the night of the 25th. The plan is for a run into Bangkok on the 26th to find a turkey or at least some pizza and maybe a bit of shopping. Regardless of where you are in this world Christmas season should be celebrated accordingly if you dig the birth of Christ and the associated festivities. We are going to have a scaled down version here, but be assured there are a few presents
to go under our tree as Santa found us! A recent package included homemade cookies and candy. Christmas has been saved! Thank you Mrs. Goggin.
and its probably going to be one of our most remembered, this point has not been lost on us. We have been blessed with an incredible
trip so far and can only pray that 2010 will be as wonderful as 2009. Thank you to all our family and friends for the support and
love you have provided us. You will be toasted numerous times this side of the world in the coming days and we hope you will do the same for us!
Merry Christmas!
Deb and Joe
Deb and Joe
Merry Christmas guys! I can see the love and satisfication on your faces so I'm happy for you all. It was good to be able to talk with you Christmas eve and day! I'm glad that santa was able to find you. Love the tree and the apartment.Hope to talk with you again sometime soon. I have 5 days off and am looking forward to some downtime. Take care of each other and know we are all supporting you! Love MomRose